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Notre histoire

At the end of the 1960s, my father had the great idea of going down by boat along the canals and rivers from Holland to the Mediterranean.

He fell in love with Provence and the Etang de Berre.

On these shores of this inland sea, a piece of hill with a house was on sale and my father decided to buy this land.

He left everything behind in Holland and then created a beautiful property on the edge of the Etang de Berre …

The Provence, with almost 3000 hours of sunshine a year (yes yes it’s true, thanks to the Mistral!) undeniably rhyme with charm and sweetness of life.

I came many times on vacation to my father and in my turn I fell in love with this warm region.

So when I was 19, I decided to follow his example.

Since then I live, with my children Mike and Marc, also in the land of “cigales” and I have never regretted it.

La Côte Plage

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